Youtube's King

To not have heard about Pewdiepie one must either live under a rock or never have heard about Youtube. He is currently the biggest youtuber on the platform and whether you like him or not, it is undeniable that he has been one of the top and most popular channels for a long time.

Due to him being so big, many have tried to decipher what has been the key to this fast channel growth and how he has been able to keep the title of the largest channel for such a long time, after all, there were others before him but they never lasted so long. These examples include Smosh or NigaHiga, two channels that were mainly centered around comedy sketches and which greatly improved their visuals as time went on. However, this was not enough to keep their place so why is it that Pewdiepie is able to do what others could not?

I am no expert in the matter but I have some suggestions:

In the first place, luck is a great factor but since we cannot control it, I am going to omit this one from the list. Nonetheless, consistency is something that Pewdiepie has been able to keep up unlike any other, even when he went on holiday he had pre-recorded videos ready to upload on a schedule. In fact, if you take the time that he has been on youtube and divide it by the number of videos he has uploaded you get an average of over one video uploaded per day. This too was one of the reasons why NigaHiga lost his place as the king, since he has uploaded maybe once or twice a week.

Furthermore, he has an unparalleled ability to adapt his content as time passes. Smosh, for instance, did not change their content for a long time so it grew stagnant even if the quality increased and thus was not able to stay at the top. Pewdiepie has a unique way of evolving, not only changing his content (he started gaming, has donde vlogs and even series for youtube) but he is also able to keep the old areas of content and incorporate with the new ones. If you look at his channel now you can see vlogs and meme videos but he has not neglected the gameplays that he started with. You can also see that he really enjoys his job.

Finally, he is relatable. We all know he is a millionaire, but it is not something that comes across in his videos. We could have him flaunt his money, dress in Gucci and have a mansion tour or thing of the sorts, instead, we get him playing around, shouting at videogames or trying to make humour which in most cases is absurd. This makes him all the more lovable and in conjunction with all the other factors has allowed him to be the longest lasting king of youtube.


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