Final Task

I decided to do an exploration on reality for my final task, since it has been a topic of interest for me for a very long time. Even before the start of classes I remember having a conversation about it and its possible objectiveness or lack of it with some classmates so encountering the topic during the course was delightful.

One of my biggest inspirations for this was the book How real is real? by Paul Watzlawick which explores the issues of communication and truth and how these are linked. For instance, he suggests that everyone reality is valid and this can be applied to the intended reading of a media piece such as a film. The director might have one idea of how it should be interpreted but since the viewers lack this knowledge they can give it other interpretations, thus creating new 'truths'.

The second influence are perspective sculptures since these appear different depending on the angle that one looks at them from. This is essentially representative of two people arguing two truths but both being right, just a different perspective on the matter.

Sculpture by Michael Murphy

Eventually I decided to emulate a kind of perspective sculpture as a 3d model which I would then animate to allow a 360 degree view of it. In first place I wanted it to show two complete pictures on two sides but after many attempts I realised that it was way too ambitious so there is only one side which is not abstract. It goes from the word "Lies" to cubes which appear to be randomly placed at different heights and so, show all sides of that truth to a person looking at it.

My work:


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