Into the Wild

Into the Wild is a movie about Christopher McCandless and how after having graduated he decides to leave society behind and go and live in the alaskan tundra. The film is an adaptation of the book with which it shares a name, written by Jon Krakauoner and based on a real story.

Resultado de imagen de into the wild film

I watched the film some time ago at a point in my life where leaving annoying obligations and the oppressive feeling of society behind seemed very tempting, I am sure that this is a very common fantasy that many have regarded but in the end have not acted upon, as the risk of what we lose in many cases is too large. Into the Wild thus allows us to vicariously live this adventure through the protagonist, one of the major reasons for its achieved popularity.

Usually when watching a film we remember the visuals, the soundtrack, the excellently written characters; more technical aspects in general. However, this film, despite not remembering much of what I saw, I would be lying if I classed it as unmemorable as it left a deep mark on me. It is the mood of the film which I carry every time I reminisce on it, feeling happy about the time that I decided to take the suggestion of watching it from a friend. 

The movie does not fail in instilling wanderlust and a deep craving for freedom into the viewer through large open spaces, the promise of the unknown and apparently never ending sunshine. It is something that is placed at our finger tips and is reiterated throughout the narrative. "You are wrong if you think that joy emanates from human relationships." is what Christopher says at one point, giving more power to what nature and being completely stripped from an environment where it is imperious to follow social norms can offer you.

Christopher reading a book over the sea

Christopher using a borrowed kayak to run away.

Overall it could be said that the narrative is a tragic one since Christopher leaves behind a wealthy family and ends up dying a premature death, alone in the wilderness from starvation. Nonetheless, at no point in the movie is it framed as tragic, or at least it did not feel like that to me. He says that he lived a happy life and he died with his dream fulfilled.


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